Discover the Artist Colony of Abiquiú

Georgia O’Keeffe Tours

No trip to Abiquiú is complete without visiting the home and studio of Georgia O'Keeffe, the world's most famous female painter. The Home and Studio Tour meets at the Georgia O'Keeffe Tour Office in downtown Abiquiú. Drive time is about twenty minutes. Also visit Ghost Ranch to explore the locations where O'Keeffe painted so many of the vistas.
Abiquiú Studio Tours

The Abiquiú Studio Tour occurs every year in early October, where guests visit a variety of art studios in the Abiquiú area. Meet the artists, view their artwork and creative spaces and support the thriving artists' colony. Additionally, for guests staying at The Hacienda, we can help you arrange private visits to local studios year-round. Request information with your reservation.
Galleries, Studios & Talks

The many galleries and studios in the Abiquiú area feature artists from our local community. Studio One Thirty Nine, the Abiquiu Dome, Nest, Brian Thomas Rock Art, Jim Woodson Gallery are a few. Most galleries and studios are open by appointment only. If you stay at The Grand Hacienda, the concierge will help you schedule private studio tours. Interested in Native American pottery? Sign up for our Pottery Discussion, held onsite, to learn about the history and process involved and view several works.